Anniversary Trip

 I’ve been away on an anniversary trip to Fredericksburg, a small German town in the middle of the big state of Texas. It’s my 26th anniversary, and it was nice to get away. We left the kids home alone–no grandparent to cook for them and make sure they get home before curfew. Were we brave? Or just stupid?

My kids did fine… from what they’ve told me. They ate all the food I cooked up and spent all the money we left. The house was even clean when we got home. Amazing, I know!

So while they were home alone (and let me just tell you, they are 20, 18, and 15–not little ones in diapers), we had fun walking the streets, shopping, eating, and napping. Yes, it was a good mixture of fun and rest. Just what I was needing!

View from balcony

We stayed in an old livery stable that had been converted into a bed and breakfast. It was rustic, but nice. Big bathroom with a jacuzzi tub, small kitchen, double fireplace…it was nice!

So that’s why I’ve been away. Now I’m back and will have some book reviews to put up. (I read two books on the trip!) Hhhhmm, maybe I’ll even do another giveaway.

I love dart guns!

Has anyone been to an interesting place? Stayed in unique lodgings?

10 responses to “Anniversary Trip”

  1. As you know, I went to Costa Rica, which was completely awesome!
    It sounds like you two had a romantice time. 🙂 I'm glad the kiddos did well!


  2. How nice! We stayed at a really neat B&B in Montana once then went off to Yellowstone National Park and took a snow coach. It was really different and fun.


  3. Wow, it looks like so much fun. I love B&Bs. And that is exactly what I want my living room to look like. **little jealous sigh slipping out!!**


  4. What a neat place to stay! I've only been to Texas once and that was to a conference in Dallas. The most exotic thing I did was a trip to the rodeo.


  5. Looks like fun, Sherrinda! As for my latest travels, you know all about those. 🙂


  6. That looks SO COOL! I've never actually stayed in any place super unique, but I have a habit of hunting up old ghost towns when we're out west. So much fun!


  7. Lovely pictures! Love the inside photo of that lodge!


  8. How lovely and fun. I went to a dude ranch once with a couple of girlfriends…. not all it was cracked up to be…. :O)


  9. What a fun place to stay. Glad the kidlets did fine without you. And Happy Anniversary!

    We stayed in a converted warehouse in Duluth this past summer. Fun, and right near the shipping canal so we could watch the boats.


  10. What a great place to go for your anniversary. I'm glad you had such a good time.


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